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wallpaper 60.75 dt sq (27.0ftx27.0in) 5.65m sq (8.23x68.6cm) straight Match/Raccord Droit/Correpondia Recto PrePasted-Sponge Wash-100% Removable-non Woven PreEncolle-Lavable-100% Enlevable-Muni Endos en Tissus Preempastodo-Lavable-100% Removible-No lejido Breathable/ Permeable al aire Made in Canada /Fabrique au Canasa/Hecho en el Canada


99,00C$ Prix original
79,00C$Prix promotionnel

    easy to hang / easy to remove / washable / breathable / prepasted / strippable  

    (20.5inch x 33 feet )=56.27 Sq.ft  (52cm x 10m =5.2m2)

    Enjoy your beautiful new wallcovering and when you are ready to make a change , just lift a corner and pull the entire sheet off the wall . It is that easy to remove !

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